
Courses and seminars for Ph.D. students

Year 2013

Algebre di Hopf (6 CFU) – Prof. Menini
Elementi di teoria degli anelli e moduli (6 CFU) – Prof. Menini
Graph Theory  (6 CFU) - Prof. Bonisoli
Hyperbolic systems and conservation laws (6 CFU) – Prof. Corli
Metodi variazionali per problemi di ricostruzioni di immagini (3 CFU) – Prof. Miranda
Approximation  of evolution semigroup  (6 CFU) – Prof. Miranda
Semilinear Dispersive Equations (6 CFU) - Prof. Foschi
Lectures on mathematical modeling of complex living systems: foundations and  applications (6 CFU) – Prof. Coscia
Computational methods for hyperbolic and kinetic equations (6 CFU) – Prof. Pareschi  
Machine Learning: methods and applications (6 CFU) – Prof. G. Zanghirati
Sistemi largamente distribuiti (6 CFU) – Prof. Luppi
Architetture parallele (6 CFU) - Prof. Schifano
Laboratorio di sicurezza di reti (3 CFU) – Prof. Gianoli
Griglie computazionali (3 CFU) - Prof. Veronese

Year 2012

Specialistic Courses

Magnetofluidodinamica  (6 CFU) - Prof. Padula
Moti non stazionari di fluidi con frontiera libera (3 CFU)– Prof. Padula
Modelli fisico-matematici di sistemi complessi (6 CFU) – Prof. Coscia
Computational methods for hyperbolic and kinetic equations (6 CFU) – Prof. Pareschi  
Elementi di apprendimento statistico (6 CFU) – Prof. G. Zanghirati
Hyperbolic systems and conservation laws (6 CFU) – Prof. Corli
Approximation  of evolution semigroup  (6 CFU) – Prof. Miranda
Metodi variazionali per problemi di ricostruzioni di immagini (3 CFU) – Prof. Miranda
Operatori pseudodifferenziali e analisi microlocale (6 CFU) – Prof. L. Zanghirati

Algebre di Hopf (6 CFU) – Prof. Menini: Starting: monday, february,  27, at 15:30, lecture room 7; Dep. of Mathematics. About finite dimensional pointed Hopf algebras and finite tensor categories over abelian groups -  Prof. I.E. Angiono, University of Cordoba, Starting: november 9, 2012, Dep. of Mathematics.
Elementi di teoria degli anelli e moduli (6 CFU) – Prof. Menini
Quantumcomputing (6 CFU) – Prof. Tripiccione
Sistemi largamente distribuiti (6 CFU) – Prof. Luppi
Laboratorio di sicurezza di reti (3 CFU) – Prof. Gianoli


A.Y. 2009/2010

  • Beginning at February 23, 2010, Dept. of Mathematics:

    Ph.D. Course on Categories
    Prof. Claudia Menini, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Ferrara
    Tuesday  10:30 - 12:30
    Wednesday:  11:30 - 13:30
    Course contents

  • October 2009 - February 2010: Ph.D. course at the Department of Mathematics

    XIII Internet Seminar on Gradient Systems
    Organization: Dott. Michele Miranda, Departiment of Mathematics and Math4Tech Center, University of Ferrara

    The 13th International Internet Seminar on Evolution Equations is intended to be an introduction to the analysis of evolution equations with gradient structure, with an emphasis on nonlinear parabolic equations. Gradient systems arise naturally in many physical models such as diffusion models, phase separation models and in surface evolution, but they also arise artificially as steepest descent methods in root finding algorithms, in various optimisation problems or in image analysis. The dissipation of some physical or abstract energy has an influence on the wellposedness of these gradient systems and on the qualitative behaviour of their solutions, including parabolic regularity, order preserving properties, or long-time behaviour. In this introductory course, starting from finite dimensional models, we will discuss some of these aspects. The lectures are at a beginning graduate level and assume only basic familiarity with Functional Analysis. The lectures are posted weekly starting from the middle of October 2009 and ending in February 2010.

A.Y. 2008/2009

  • February 24, 26, 2009, Department of Mathematics:

    Erasmus Seminars

    For additional information please contact Prof. Claudia Menini
  • January-March 2009, Scientific-Technological Campus:

    Methodology of Pattern Recognition & Imaging
    Macroarea mini-courses:

    • January 19-20, 2009: A Vademecum of Pattern Recognition Techniques with Applications to Image and Video Analysis.
      Prof. Massimo Piccardi, University of Technology, Sidney (Australia)
    • February 19-20, 2009: An introduction to kernel methods and their applications in pattern recognition
      Dott. Gaetano Zanghirati, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Ferrara (Italy)
    • March 2009: Methodologies for data mining
      Prof. Rodolfo Guzzi, Italian Space Agency (ASI), Rome (Italy)

    Downloads: announcement, contents. For additional details please contact Prof. Stefano Trillo.

  • October 2008 - March 2009: Ph.D. course at the Scientific-Technological Campus

    XII TULKA Internet Seminar on Ergodic Theory: an Operator-Theoretic Approach
    Organization: Dott. Michele Miranda, Departiment of Mathematics and Math4Tech Center, University of Ferrara

    The 12th Internet Seminar on Evolution Equations is devoted to an operator-theoretic approach to the long-term behaviour of dynamical systems on topological and/or measure spaces. The field itself — Ergodic Theory — arose from Boltzmann’s work on statistical mechanics and is classical by now. During the 1970s Furstenberg developed an interesting and powerful link with combinatorial number theory, a link that also established a new field in Mathematics — multiple ergodic theory — whose later development forms a cornerstone in the proof of the stunning recent results of Tao and Green on arithmetic progressions in the primes. Beside these striking applications, ergodic theory comprises a lot of beautiful results from functional analysis.
    The lectures are at a beginning graduate level and assume only basic familiarity with Functional Analysis.
    Organised by the German-Italian consortium "International School on Evolution Equations", the annual Internet Seminars introduce PhD students and postdocs to varying subjects related to Evolution Equations. The course consists of three phases. In Phase 1 (October-February), a weekly lecture is provided via the ISEM website. In Phase 2 (March-May), the participants form small international groups to work on projects. The projects complement the theory of Phase 1 and provide some applications of it. Phase 3 (7-13 June 2009) consists of the final one-week workshop in Blaubeuren (Germany). The teams present their projects, and lectures will be delivered by leading experts in the field.
    ISEM team 2008/09, Virtual lecturers: Tanja Eisner (Tuebingen), Balint Farkas (Darmstadt), Markus Haase (Delft), Rainer Nagel (Tuebingen).

  • September - October 2008: course at the Department of Mathematics
    • September 30, 2008, 4:00pm - 6:00pm: CoMorita Equivalent Hopf Algebras
      Dr. Alessandro Ardizzoni, Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Ferrara

A.Y. 2007/2008