Third Mission

Terza missione

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science stands out for its multiple third mission activities, actively engaging in the promotion of scientific culture and the involvement of civil society. Through scientific dissemination initiatives, cultural events and collaborative projects with public and private bodies, the Department aims to disseminate mathematical and IT knowledge and raise public awareness on relevant issues of science and technology.

The objective is to encourage constant dialogue between the academic world and the community, promoting the research activities of the department through conferences and scientific and cultural dissemination activities, teacher training activities, in-depth activities of some aspects of the mathematical and IT disciplines aimed at to high school students, as well as promoting the creation of spin-offs, start-ups, the registration of patents and the implementation of research projects with companies.



The CyberChallenge is a European initiative in the field of cybersecurity training, specifically designed to introduce young people aged between 16 and 24 to a career in the sector. The program offers a free 12-week theoretical and practical training course with industry experts, covering areas such as operating systems, cryptography, web technologies, and attack/defense simulations. In addition to the educational aspect, the CyberChallenge stands out for its competitive format, both individual and team, and brings a group of selected participants to compete in the national competition.

The main objective of the CyberChallenge is to identify and attract future cybersecurity professionals, thus contributing to the development of talent indispensable for national and international security.

The University of Ferrara has been one of the organizers of the CyberChallenge at national level since 2022.

Scopri come partecipare

Olimpiadi di Matematica

Olimpiadi di MatematicaMathematics Olympiad

Referente: Prof. Alberto Calabri

The Mathematics Olympics are mathematical problem solving competitions aimed at high school students and are organized by the Italian Mathematical Union <>.
These races are divided into individual races and team races

The individual races are divided into several phases:
- fase d'istituto (Giochi di Archimede, fine novembre),
- fase provinciale (gara di febbraio, presso il nostro dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica per la provincia di Ferrara),
- fase nazionale (gara di Cesenatico, inizio maggio).

The team competitions are divided into women's competition (end of January) and mixed competition (early March) and include a local phase in our department and a national phase in Cesenatico.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science organizes, as part of the Scientific Degree Plan, preparatory workshops for the institute phases and the provincial phase aimed at students of all high schools. High school professors and university professors develop courses designed jointly to address themes and problems proposed as part of the Mathematics Olympiad.

Gender Equality

Gender EqualityGender Equality

The elimination of gender stereotypes in mathematics and in the STEAM field represents a priority for the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Ferrara. For several years, dissemination and training activities have been carried out with the aim of promoting the culture of gender equality within the entire community - academic and otherwise. The cultural activities promoted are mainly aimed at raising awareness of gender inequalities and at breaking down the most widespread stereotypes in this area.

MATHESIS Società Italiana di Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche

Logo MathesisMATHESIS Società Italiana di Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche

The Mathesis Ferrara website hosts and disseminates the description of the activities, the materials produced and the projects of the Ferrara section of Mathesis. The national association Mathesis, founded in Italy in 1896, brings together mathematics and physics teachers, and has by statute the aim of improving schools and improving teachers, through the promotion of scientific and didactic research in relation to the teaching of mathematics and physics. See the national Mathesis website and the similar sites of the other Mathesis sections. The Ferrara section was founded in 2015 and has more than fifty members, but the activities are accessible and open to the community. The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science hosts various activities of the Mathesis of Ferrara, collaborating in their planning as the Teaching of Mathematics is one of the areas of research developed by various members of the Department.

Referent Prof.ssa Maria Giulia Lugaresi

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