Teacher training center


The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is home to the ordinary interdepartmental Center of the University of Ferrara called Multidisciplinary Center for university and academic courses of initial training and qualification of common-place teachers which deals with the new qualifying courses of initial training of school teachers first and second grade secondary schools (Legge n. 79 del 29 giugno 2022 art. 44, di modifica del decreto legislativo n. 59/2017).

In the academic year 2023-24, the Center has established the following university courses for initial training and qualification of common position teachers aimed at developing and ascertaining the professional skills and minimum professional standards defined by the Prime Ministerial Decree of 4 August 2023:

Graduates, students of the Master's Degree in Mathematics in possession of the required requirements will be able to enroll in the courses relating to the following competition classes:

  • A026 Matematica
  • A027 Matematica e Fisica
  • A028 Matematica e scienze
  • A047 Scienze matematiche applicate

Information relating to the career and placement of teachers is not the responsibility of the University. For this information it is suggested to consult the relevant ministerial legislation and contact the Regional School Office or the local offices.

For information relating to the routes you can contact the Center Coordinator, Prof.ssa Federica Ferretti at the email: federica.ferretti@unife.it and see dedicated university page .