Research Centers

CMCS - Center for Modelling, Computation and Statistics

The Center for Modelling, Computation and Statistics (CMCS) is an interdepartmental research center affiliated to the University of Ferrara, promoted by the following departments: Mathematics and Computer Science, Economics and Management and Engineering. The center involves several researchers, not only from the University of Ferrara, but from several Italian universities located throughout the national territory.

The center was founded in 2004 on the initiative of Profs. Patrizio Bianchi, Lorenzo Pareschi, Fausto Segala and Luigi Salmaso as an interdisciplinary center for computational modeling and statistics.

The primary function of the CMCS is to carry out research in various disciplines, including applied mathematics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, computational fluid dynamics, machine learning (better known as machine learning) and statistics. The final aim involves the application of the scientific goals achieved to real and tangible problems, through the development and implementation of mathematical models and software.

Furthermore, the center is committed to organizing public and informative events, of a national and international nature, connected to the cultural, scientific and technical innovation of the sectors of expertise with which the center itself deals.


MathTechMed - Mathematics for Technology, Medicine & Biosciences

The MathTechMed Research Center focuses on mathematical modeling in the technological and biomedical fields with the following objectives: to make the methods of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Scientific Computing available to scholars from different research areas; support researchers in the study of specific application problems in the fields of medicine, biomechanics, industrial mathematics and pharmacology; help bridge the gap between analytical and numerical modeling and real-world applications; encourage and support synergies between scholars with different scientific backgrounds and contribute to the creation of an expertise network, also with extra-academic contributions.

The Center has a numerical computing workstation, as well as access to the facilities of the CINECA Supercomputing Center  (Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Italy).

Sito MathTechMed

Research unit INdAM

The University of Ferrara has stipulated an agreement with the National Institute of Higher Mathematics "Francesco Severi" with the aim of structuring an INdAM research unit at the university. Through the researchers who belong to the unit, INdAM intends to encourage the carrying out of research and higher education activities in Mathematics, to share infrastructures and laboratories, technology transfer activities and any other activity compatible with the mission of the Institute.

Sito INdAM

Convenzione tra l'Istituto di Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi" e l'Università degli Studi di Ferrara - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica

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