Schwartz very weak solutions for equations of Schrodinger type

- https://dmi.unife.it/it/eventi/schwartz-very-weak-solutions-for-equations-of-schrodinger-type-1
- Schwartz very weak solutions for equations of Schrodinger type
- 2024-09-18T14:00:00+02:00
- 2024-09-18T23:59:59+02:00
- Seminario in presenza
il 18/09/2024 dalle 14:00
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Seminario in presenza
Mercoledì 25 Settembre 2024, ore 14:15
Aula B1 Palazzo Manfredini, via Muratori 9
Il prof. Alexandre Arias Junior dell'Università di San Paolo (Brasile)
terrà un seminario presso il nostro Dipartimento:
Titolo: Schwartz very weak solutions for equations of Schrodinger type
Abstract: We are interested in the Cauchy problem associated with a Schrodinger type operator with tempered distributional coefficients. In view of the Schwartz impossibility result concerning products of distributions, a non-trivial matter is to define what a solution should be. In this talk we shall follow the approach of very weak solution adapted to the class of Schwartz functions.
This is a joint work with Alessia Ascanelli, Marco Cappiello and Claudia Garetto.