
Attendance at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science courses can be enriched by significant training experiences abroad.

Double title LM-40 with Universitat de València and l'Universitat Politècnica de València

The Master's Degree course in Mathematics has an active Double Title with the Universities of Valencia.

Students attend the first year of the master's degree in Valencia and the second year in Ferrara. During the first year in Valencia, they follow some courses of the Master in Investigación Matemática and begin to work on the first part of the Trabajo final degree thesis, which they will finish during the second year of the master's degree in Ferrara. After the first year spent in Valencia they obtained the title of Master in Investigación Matemática. They spend the second year in Ferrara, following the courses included in the Double Degree study plan. At the end of the second year, they also obtain the title of Master's Degree in Mathematics.

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Double title LM-18/32 with University of West Florida

In agreement with the University of West Florida, a Double Degree program is active which allows you to complete the second year of the course abroad at the partner university and obtain both a Master's Degree and a Master of Science, valid in Italy and the United States. United..

Students admitted to the program, enrolled in the second year of the Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Data science and Big Data (LM-18/32), will complete one year of the course at the University of West Florida and will obtain at the end of the course both the title of Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Data science and Big Data and the Master's degree in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science of the University of West Florida.

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International doctorate Marie-Curie with DATAHYKING Doctoral Network

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers the opportunity to obtain the International Doctorate part of the DATAHYKING Doctoral Network, a Marie Curie doctoral network funded by the European Commission.

This project aims to train a new generation of modeling and simulation experts through the development of virtual experimentation tools and workflows that effectively exploit the potential of mathematical modeling and simulation of interacting particle systems. The focus is on the development of reliable and efficient simulation methods, on the design of robust consensus-based optimization methods, including for machine learning, and on the development of multifidelity methods for uncertainty quantification and data assimilation . Applications of these methods range from traffic flow to finance and granular flow, also in collaboration with industry.

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Other mobility opportunities

  • Outgoing mobility within the European and non-European Erasmus+ programmes, an important opportunity for students of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees of the Department of Humanities. This experience not only offers the possibility of enriching one's academic career by assimilating new perspectives of study and knowledge, but also allows one to immerse oneself in different cultures, refine language skills and build a network of international contacts. The Department actively supports students in organizing this extraordinary study and growth experience
  • Internships abroad and attendance of courses held in a foreign language, included in the annual training offer (please refer to the Study Courses pages).
  • The excellence of one's curriculum, the knowledge of a community language and the attendance of teaching in the language, or the experiences aimed at drafting the final thesis, can also be certified within the Ferrara School of Mathematics (only for Bachelor's degree students Master's Degree in Mathematics).

Docenti delegati

Delegated teachers of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

  • Delegato del Rettore all'internazionalizzazione (fino al 31 ottobre 2021): Prof. Cinzia Bisi
  • Delegato alla Cooperazione e allo sviluppo internazionale: Prof. Andrea Corli
  • Delegato Centro Linguistico di Ateneo: Prof. Michele Miranda
  • Coordinatori Erasmus: Prof. Claudia Menini - Prof. Guido Sciavicco